The Architect's Meal

…Got a wonderful call on the phone yesterday!

“I’m sitting right here enjoying your lovely book The Architect’s Meal, which is filled with 70 receipes. Such beautiful drawings and texts you made in the book! For example, the “transparent house” you have drawn for the recipe Scaloppine with capers. The rest of us wouldn’t dare do that at all, but it’s just so beautiful and poetic. I am very impressed with the book. Can I order three as I want to give them as Christmas presents?”, said Nulle Øigaard, visual artist and wife of the famous Danish illustrator and writer Ib Spang Olsen.

To the left is the drawing of the ”transparent house”, which is actually a hotel, made in a former monastery created by the 17th century baroque architect Francesco Borromini and it is placed in Trastevere.

The illustration of the bookcover… The author made it in a café near the Pantheon temple in Rome.

Find more drawings, texts and recipes in the book.