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Interview with Marianne Ibler today featured in Byrummonitor

Today in the digital journal Byrummonitor you can read journalist Gry Pouline Kofoed’s exciting interview with author and architect Ph.d. Marianne Ibler about the new book FRIIS&MOLTKE HUSENE.

Read the interview with the author who explains how the architects Knud Friis and Elmar Moltke were famous for their simple and modern houses, which were not flashy, but aesthetic and affordable. She tells how the architects during the 1950s and 60s defied a lack of materials and designed functional and elegant houses well adapted to their surroundings.

Last, but not least, learn about how the architects transformed old buildings into modern architecture long before it was woke.
As Marianne Ibler states in the interview: “Everything points to the fact that today we must preserve rather than tear down”.

The interview also reveals a couple of beautiful photos from the book, which shows how the architects recycled old farmhouses.
Besides, it tells how the book came about from the very beginning during a talk with her neighbor Vagn Henriksen.

Read the story in Byrummonitor >